Saturday, February 2, 2013

MIOX Organizes Cooling Tower Institute (CTI) Conference

MIOX Corporation, the industry leader in on-site chemical generation technology, announces Tom Muilenberg, MIOX Director of Commercial Operations and Cem Candir, MIOX VP of Sales & Marketing will present the technical paper "How Stripping Biofilm from the Cooling Water Loop Impacts Power Plant Production Output" at the Cooling Tower Institute (CTI) Conference in Corpus Christi, TX on Monday, February 4, 2013. 

MIOX presents a cost effective and environmentally friendly methodology to bio film control within the cooling water loop. This proven approach utilizes MIOX patented technology and Mixed Oxidant Solution (MOS) chemistry for improved heat exchange efficiency, resulting in a significant increase in power plant production output.

The new methodology is based on case studies and technical data showing that the presence of bio film or other foulants in the condenser tubes, visible or not, eventually affects power plant production, especially if the plant is reaching peak capacity. The performance differentiator over bulk hypochlorite is that MOS chemistry is effective at higher pH and TDS values typically found in cooling towers. 

Read Complete Press Release: 

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